Transforms forSubscriptionFolderBean


Formal Parameter Type Default Required Description
activeSortAscendingImage STRING sort_asc.gif false

Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

Name of the image used to indicate that the current column is sorted in the ascending order.
If a column is sorted in the ascending order, we will render this image next to the column. If this image is clickable, we will sort the column in descending order on clicking on the image.
activeSortDescendingImage STRING sort_desc.gif false

Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

Name of the image used to indicate that the current column is sorted in the descending order.
If a column is sorted in the descending order, we will render this image next to the column. If this image is clickable, we will sort the column in ascending order on clicking on the image.
appliesTo STRING   false

This parameter informs the javascript the id of the bone the actions of this component applies to. For example, action of a Toolbar will be applied to the "grid" bone (in the Report page), or the the rwb_viewer (in the document's page).

Possible values for this property are bone ids, its usage depends on the page.
contextMenus STRING   false

This formal parameter is used by the Transform to identify the context-menus definition. The value of this parameter can specify either:

  1. The name of a <menu> defined in the pageConfig
  2. The path of an xml file with the context-menu definition

In both cases the xml defines the context-menus using <shortcut-list-set> tags. A <shortcut-list-set> represents a collection of <shortcut-list> tags. Each <shortcut-list> represents a single context-menu. Each <shortcut> represents a single option. Users can add/remove/modify <shortcut> to control the options displayed to the end user.
cssFile STRING   false CSS file that includes the style definition.
If defined, this file will be included as Link.
cssPrefix STRING   false Prefix to append to all css class names.
datamartImage STRING datamart.gif false

Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

Name of the image used to indicate a datamart subscription.
debugErrorFlags INTEGER 65535 false Indicates which extra debug information to include in case of an error.
The flags are taken from the EnumWebAppDebugFlags enumeration.
debugFlags INTEGER 0 false Indicates which debug information to include.
The flags are taken from the EnumWebAppDebugFlags enumeration.
deliveryMode INTEGER 28671 false Indicates which subscriptions this transform will be displaying based on delivery mode.
documentImage STRING document.gif false

Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

Name of the image used to indicate a document subscription.
dragMode INTEGER 0 false Indicates the drag mode that the component to render will have.
This tells us if the dialog can be dragged or docked (or both). Possible values for this property and their meaning include:
  • 1 = can be dragged freely (floating)
  • 2 = can be docked
  • 3 = 1 + 2 (can be dragged freely & docked)
  • execTarget STRING   false Determines how the user want's to execute the subscription link. If set to "_blank" it will open a new window, if empty the link will be executed in the same window. Note that this is not apply for PDF export
    extraInput STRING   false Indicates any extra inputs to be included in the forms generated by the transform.
    extraUrl STRING   false Indicates any extra parameters to be included in the links generated by the transform.
    globalCssErrorMessage STRING error-message false

    Deprecated. The css class to use for the title cannot be controlled by a Formal Parameter anymore.

    CSS to be used in all error messages.
    globalCssErrorTitle STRING error-title false

    Deprecated. The css class to use for the title cannot be controlled by a Formal Parameter anymore.

    CSS to be used in all Error titles.
    graphImage STRING graph.gif false

    Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

    Name of the image used to indicate a graph subscription.
    gridGraphImage STRING gridGraphIconForHelp.gif false

    Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

    Name of the image used to indicate a grid-graph subscription.
    gridImage STRING report2.gif false

    Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

    Name of the image used to indicate a grid subscription.
    height STRING   false Indicates the default height of the component. If this is not a resizable component, this is the height used. If if it resizable, though, the user might change its width using javascript and the value is saved in a preference; thereafter the Transform will use this new value for this component.
    iframeEnabled BOOLEAN false false Indicates whether the transform supports iframe manipulations.
    imgWait STRING ani_wait.gif false

    Deprecated. This value is not used anymore by the Transform as the wait image is included using css.

    Name of the image for the Processing icon on the Wait page.
    Allowed Values:
    The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
    initialIndent INTEGER 0 false

    Deprecated. Indentation is not appended by Transforms anymore.

    Indicates the initial indentation of the HTML generated.
    levelFlag INTEGER 65535 false Specifies what information is displayed for each subscription.
    The information may include subscription target, edit link, delete link and other information. Multiple fields may be displayed at the same time. Which fields to show is indicated by a bitwise flag.
    Allowed Values:
    • Subscription Icon (could be grid/graph/grid-graph/document) = 1
    • Subscription Target (the name of the report/document for which the subscription is created) = 2
    • Personalized (indicates a sign which tells that the subscription is created by answering prompts) = 4
    • Delete Link = 16
    • Edit Link = 32
    • Show sort icons (applicable only for list views) = 64
    • Show the time when the schedule is executed (applicable only for web subscriptions) = 128
    • Show every thing = 65535

    For example, if you want to specify display icon and target name only, then you would specify (1 + 2 = 3).
    maxItemCount INTEGER -1 false Indicates how many subscriptions will be displayed in the list.
    This value will determine the number of subscriptions rendered in the list. Any negative value would display the entire list of subscriptions.
    orientation INTEGER 2 false Indicates the orientation the dialog to render will have.
    Possible values for this property and their meaning include:
  • 0 = not docked
  • 1 = docked horizontally
  • 2 = docked vertically
  • orientationsAllowed INTEGER 3 false Indicates the orientation modes allowed for the dialog to render.
    Possible values for this property and their meaning include:
  • 0 = no orientations allowed
  • 1 = horizontal orientation allowed
  • 2 = vertical orientation allowed
  • 3 = 1 + 2 (both horiz & vert orientations are allowed)
  • resizeLevel INTEGER 0 false Indicates whether the component can be resized vertically/horizontally or both or none. Possible values are AbstractAppTransform.RESIZE_NONE, AbstractAppTransform.RESIZE_VERTICAL, AbstractAppTransform.RESIZE_HORIZONTAL, AbstractAppTransform.RESIZE_ALL
    rwDocumentImage STRING rwdocument.gif false

    Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

    Name of the image used to indicate a report writing document subscription.
    scriptClass STRING   false Holds the name of the javaScript class (if any) to be associated with the component. When the scriptClass is specified, a bone is registered on the page for this component. A bone is the corresponding concept of a bean in Microstrategy's javascript environment.
    By default, thie methods returns an empty string. Transform which does have an associated bone needs to override this method.
    sortAscendingImage STRING sort_row.gif false

    Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

    Name of the image used to allow the user to perform an ascending sort.
    If a column is not sorted we will render this image next to the column to allow the user to perform a ascending sort when the user clicks on it.
    sortDescendingImage STRING sort.gif false

    Deprecated. We no longer use these images. Instead we use transforms from the package where we render images with CSS classes

    Name of the image used to allow the user to perform a descending sort.
    If a column is not sorted we will render this image next to the column to allow the user to perform a descending sort when the user clicks on it.
    type STRING   false

    This parameter is used when the output of this Transform generates a corresponding Microstrategy bone in the page, and it informs the javascript the type of bone it is. For example, action of a Toolbar will be applied to the "grid" bone (in the Report page), or the the rwb_viewer (in the document's page).

    Possible values for this property are bone ids, its usage depends on the page.
    useDHTML BOOLEAN true false Indicates whether to use DHTML on the output.
    If not set, the bean's OutputFormat() method will be used.
    width STRING   false Indicates the default width of the component. If this is not a resizable component, this is the width used. If if it resizable, though, the user might change its width using javascript and the value is saved in a preference; thereafter the Transform will use this new value for this component.